Blog News Android 13 beta 4 is here: The last beta before we go stable?

Android 13 beta 4 is here: The last beta before we go stable?

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Publish: 2 years ago
Android 13 beta 4 is here: The last beta before we go stable?

This is now a release candidate build for Pixel phones. We are nearly ready!

Today, we have what could be the last Android 13 delivery before we hit the steady direct in the following couple of weeks! This time around, it's Android 13 beta 4.

As of late, Google has pushed a few point updates for new beta send-offs. Thusly, there could be at least one point updates for beta 4 on the way. Nonetheless, regardless of whether that occur, the center of Android 13 is all set.

Truth be told, this new beta is a delivery contender for Pixel telephones and the Android emulator. "Discharge competitor" programming is precisely exact thing it seems like: programming that is so close to the end that it very well may be a possible possibility for a steady send off.

As such, Android 13 beta 4 is so amazingly near being done that it should be steady. In light of that, there aren't any new evident elements with this delivery. All things being equal, we see Google making inconspicuous refinements and fixing waiting issues.

Step by step instructions to get Android 13 beta 4
In the event that you have a more established beta on your Pixel telephone, you ought to see an OTA notice about moving up to the most recent adaptation. In the event that you have a Pixel telephone (Pixel 4 or fresher) and need to try the new beta out, we have a point by point guide on the most proficient method to get it introduced. You can definitely relax, you'll in any case get the last steady delivery once it lands.

👉 Android 13 beta 4 is here: The last beta before we go stable?

In the event that all goes to design, we hope to see the steady arrival of Android 13 in August. We then, at that point, anticipate that the Google Pixel 7 series should be the main telephones to jump start with it out-of-the-case, which could occur in October. Remain tuned!